Contractor Information, Forms & Applications
This list contains all registered contractors whose dates (Business Tax, State/County, Liability, and Worker Comp) have not expired and are considered ACTIVE. This list is sorted by type of work and license type and is updated periodically. *Please note it is a large document, typically more than 50 pages.
- List of Active Registered Contractors - Legacy Permitting System
- List of Active Registered Contractors - Online Permitting System (PDF Tip: Use the standard PDF search function by selecting the CTRL and F keys to locate specific information)
Submissions / Communication
All contractor related questions and/or submission of documents should be emailed to:
General Licensing Related Forms and Information
- Agent Authorization Form
- Name and/or Address Change
- Sample - Insurance Form/Certificates
- Monroe County Consumer Complaint
Contact Us
Building Department
Florida Licensed Contractors
State-Certified Contractor Registration Application - Online Application
NOTE: You must register to create a user account before completing an online application. This also includes state-certified contractors for LPG and elevators.
Monroe County Certificates of Competency (COC) Licenses - Contractor License Scope of Work
- MCC Sec 6-198
- Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR)
- Chapter 489
- NOTE: You must register to create a user account before you can complete an online application
Private Provider
- Private Provider Registration Requirements & Application: Online Application
- NOTE: You must register to create a user account before you can complete an online application.
- Reciprocity Application & Requirements
- Contractor Construction Trades Application - Online Application
- NOTE: You must register to create a user account before you can complete an online application.
Testing Vendors
- GITS LLC Website
- GITS Testing Sites