Orders made under the Government Actions Regulation (GAR) are a key component of implementing management and protection for environmental values under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). Several of the authorities previously held by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) were assigned to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) when it was established in 2011. References to the MFLNRO authorities are included here until such time as the MFLNRO websites are updated to accommodate orders made under their new authority (see bottom of page).
Delegation of Minister's Powers and Duties
The organizational changes to Government in 2011 resulted in several of the authorities previously held by the Ministry of Environment becoming the responsibility of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Delegations made by FLNRO are now posted on their legislative website: http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/tasb/legsregs/delegation-designation.htm
Order in Council 11/2011 under the Constitution Act assigned FRPA Sections 149.1 (1)(a)(iv), 150 (1)(a)(ii), and 154(2)(a)(ii) and GAR sections 8(2), 11, and 13 to the Minister of Environment. These sections give the authority to make Orders to establish water quality objectives, wildlife habitat features, and species categories to the Minister of Environment and cannot be delegated.